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The Best Third-Party Security Risk Management for Your Customers

Our Channel Types

Referral icon


These partner entities will pass along a qualified lead to Panorays and will not be involved in the sales or implementation processes.

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Reseller icon

Reseller / VAR

These partner entities will receive the Panorays solution at a discounted rate and sell to the end customer.
Some resellers will be certified to perform implementation projects and renewals.

Reseller / VAR
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Distributor icon

Distributor / VAD

These partner entities will be a single point of transaction for Panorays and control several resellers in a designated region.
Distributors may be responsible for onboarding and training resellers.

Distributor / VAD
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These partner entities provide end-to-end services to their customers and will
purchase Panorays solutions on behalf of the customer while providing Panorays services.

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Elevate your sales game and stay ahead of the competition with Panorays – the global leader in third-party security risk management.

Why Partner With Panorays

Why Partner with Panorays - Add New Customers

Add New Customers

Utilize the Panorays platform to highlight your prospects’ cyber vulnerability while providing a practical solution.
Why Partner with Panorays - Value for Existing Customers

Value for Existing Customers

Collaborate with security professionals to offer relevant Panorays’ TPCRM solutions to fit their customers’ unique needs.
Why Partner with Panorays - Expand Expertise

Expand Expertise

We lead the market in third-party security management with our expertise, customer satisfaction, and industry recognition.

Find Out Why It Pays to Be a Panorays Partner!

Program Tiers

Program Tiers - Standard Icon


Program Tiers - Advanced Icon


Program Tiers - Premier Icon


The Partner Journey

  • Partner Journey - Engage Icon
    • Introductions
    • Understand each other’s GTM model
    • Sign a mutual NDA
    • Explain the Panorays’ partner journey
  • Partner Journey - Discovery Icon
    • Understand the joint value proposition
    • Agree and finalize the type of partnership
    • Provide PRM access
    • Review partnership contract
  • Partner Journey - Enablement Icon
    • Sales enablement
    • Pre-sales enablement (where applicable)
    • Creating a joint go-to-market strategy
  • Partner Journey - Collaboration Icon
    • Registration and deal management
    • Establishing regular cadence
    • Setting annual business plan
    • Setting QBRs
  • Partner Journey - Services Icon
    • Training and certifications
    • Managing a Panorays project
    • How to work with a Panorays CSM
    • Handing off a project back to Panorays (where applicable)
  • Partner Journey - Renewals Icon
    • Criteria for renewal
    • Panorays renewal process

It Pays to Be a Panorays Partner

Value to Partners

Expand icon

Expand Your Solutions

Deliver Icon

Deliver More Value

Chart icon

Win New Business

Read Our Release Notes

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