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Not Sure How to Begin?
Our Industry Experts Can Help

Panorays provides the essential guidance and cutting-edge technology you need to create or improve your third-party security management process, tailor-made to your particular use case.
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Map Your Standards and Regulations

Panorays experts work with you to determine which standards and regulations are relevant for your third parties to adhere to, and the platform checks to see that they do.

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Set Up Your Customized Third-Party Cyber Risk Program

Our experts can create or upgrade a tailor-made third-party security management program with you according to your particular use case and risk tolerance.

Key Features of Panorays

Our professional team helps you configure the platform to efficiently determine which vendors are more critical or present high risk to your business.

Panorays team members get you started quickly. They assist with configuring your questionnaire process and can help you bulk load your suppliers to the platform, initiating the process of sending Smart Questionnaires™ and assessing their attack surface.

Our cybersecurity professionals are knowledgeable about effective procedures, objectives and baselines to ensure that your third-party security management process is comprehensive and reliable.

The Panorays platform helps you establish security goals for each supplier, and then provides advice to you and your supplier regarding remediation.

Panorays has provided us with a new level of vendor risk management by giving us real insight into the information security measures (and failings) of our partners.

Trusted by Hundreds of Teams for Third-Party Vendor Security Management

Learn about other Panorays features

The Fastest and Easiest Way
to Do Business Together, Securely