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Third-Party Cyber Risk Management for Technology Companies

For Technology companies, staying ahead of third-party risks is no easy task. From managing complex supply chains to ensuring business continuity, CISOs of Technology companies prioritize third-party risk management to protect their businesses from breaches and supply chain attacks.

Complete Control Over Third-Party Risks

Tackle Supply Chain Complexity

Tackle Supply Chain Complexity

Manage your complex supply chain and easily assess the security postures of all software vendors and integrations. Gain visibility into your third parties’ security postures and manage each relationship with remediation steps and in-platform communication.

Manage Vendor Criticality Based on Data Access

Manage Vendor Criticality Based on Data Access

Panorays helps SaaS companies categorize and prioritize vendors based on the criticality of the information and services they provide. This way you can focus your resources on managing the risk associated with the most crucial vendors, and in context to your unique risk appetite.

Respond to Third-Party Data Breaches

Respond to Third-Party Data Breaches

Build a trusted incident response strategy with tools to identify and manage the risks associated with third-party vendors. Respond to breaches and vulnerabilities in collaboration with third parties to reduce potential damage and downtime.

Confidently Manage Your Supply Chain Exposure With Panorays

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Minimized Response Time to Attacks

Get real-time insights into cyber attacks with automated security monitoring and alerts, mitigate the impact of breaches and maintain service continuity.
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Complete Supply Chain Visibility

With comprehensive visibility into the security posture of your third parties, you can easily monitor the security practices of your vendors, prevent vulnerabilities and ensure that all security standards are met across the supply chain.
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Respond to Vulnerabilities

Proactively respond to vulnerabilities by leveraging detailed insights into your third-parties’ security gaps. Remediate potential security gaps promptly and maintain a robust defense against potential cyber threats.

Tech Companies Rely on Panorays to Protect Their Supply Chains

“Panorays provides us with an extensive amount of information about potential vendors, way beyond what we would be able to find on our own. This enables us to make quick and informed decisions about vendor selection.”
“When you have a product like Panorays, you gain greater confidence about your vendor due diligence because you can dig deeper”
“With Panorays, we have a more comprehensive view of our suppliers. We have a better understanding of who we are dealing with, what are their levels of security and privacy, what permissions they need, and what data they use.”

Master Compliance Standards With Panorays

The Fastest and Easiest Way
to Do Business Together, Securely