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Third-Party Risk Management for Healthcare Organizations

Today’s healthcare CISOs are increasingly focused on protecting their enterprises against third-party cyber threats and ensuring the protection of patient health information. Panorays builds organizations’ resilience against supply chain vulnerabilities while ensuring compliance with regulations, including HIPAA.

Stay Ahead of Third-Party Breaches and Protect Patient Data

Panorays TPCRM app

Defend Your Supply Chain

Panorays continuously monitors the security posture of healthcare suppliers, providing real-time insights into their cyber posture and vulnerabilities within your supply chain. With ongoing assessments, healthcare companies can react to emerging threats before they materialize.

Panorays TPCRM app

Comply with Regulations

Ensure compliance with regulations such as HIPAA and GDPR across your organization and your third parties, with compliance questionnaires and up-to-date data on compliance status across all vendors.

Panorays TPCRM app

Manage and Respond to Cyber Incidents

Panorays quickly identifies and alerts you of any security gaps within your healthcare supply chain that could lead to breaches, allowing you and your third parties to mitigate risks immediately.

Take Control of Supply Chain Risks With Panorays

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Protect Patient Health Information

By ensuring that all third-party vendors comply with relevant privacy and security regulations, Panorays helps protect sensitive patient health information from unauthorized access and breaches.
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Secure Your Attack Surface

Prevent the next 3rd party breach with complete visibility into your extended attack surface, including third-party assets. Easily remediate vulnerabilities and proactively safeguard critical healthcare services and data from cyber threats.
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Report to the Board

Panorays facilitates detailed and understandable security and compliance reporting to the board, enabling clear communication of the current risk posture and compliance levels. This assists in making informed decisions at the highest level regarding cybersecurity strategies and investments.

Learn About the Top-of-Mind Challenges for Healthcare CISOs

The Fastest and Easiest Way
to Do Business Together, Securely