Evaluating Subsidiaries

Assess Your Subsidiary’s Cyber Risk
Panorays’ bottom-line Cyber Risk Rating considers your subsidiary’s responses to an automated security questionnaire, a comprehensive assessment of its attack surface and business impact. Panorays then provides remediation planning to close any cyber gaps that are uncovered. Your subsidiaries are monitored continuously and you receive live alerts about any changes in cyber risk.
Comply with Regulations
With Panorays’ customizable Smart Questionnaires, parent companies can easily and quickly determine their subsidiaries’ need to comply with regulations like GDPR, CCPA and NYDFS based on location and what steps need to be taken for readiness. Moreover, Panorays makes it easy to maintain the necessary documents for regulations like OCC and EBA right on the platform.
Engage with Your Subsidiaries
With Panorays, both companies and their subsidiaries can easily dispute or validate findings and report progress mitigating cyber gaps on the same platform. You can even receive quick answers by messaging subsidiaries directly from the platform. With this level of engagement, there are no more false positives, no more unclear answers and no more misunderstandings.
Assess Your Subsidiaries’ Compliance
Verify that your subsidiaries comply with key regulations and frameworks including:

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